Organizations and Other Sources for Information Supporting Aviation and Space Education Federal Aviation Administration The FAA has an aviation education program director in each FAA region (see FAA lists), and also helps foster the Aviation Education Resource Centers located at public facilities throughout the country (see AERC list). A good starting point for useful web links is the FAA main page, with the link above. The FAA Lists button at the left provides addresses for various federal offices relating to aviation and space education, including the regional aviation education program managers. The following four links are quite useful, too.
National Coalition for Aviation Education AOPA, EAA, NBAA, NASAO, NASA, NAA, CAP, and a host of other groups provide information, free publications to help teachers and students, and lists of related groups. They coordinate their support through the NCAE. Links not here can be found on the NCAE, FAA, CAP, and NASAO sites. Note that the NCAE website www.aviationeducation.org has been completely redesigned recently, and now features many useful features that will help educators and students find the resources they need. We strongly encourage those involved in aviation and space education to visit NCAE on the web! National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO) NASAO provides essential support for aviation education programs in most states across the country, by involving the state aviation directors and their staffs in educational efforts and programs in each state. NASAO maintains an excellent national clearinghouse for aviation education activities, and its website features many useful links to others involved in educational work. The Civil Air Patrol, a member of NCAE, has a long and proud tradition of support for aviation and space education programs and workers. In addition to the work of its thousands of volunteers engaged in cadet training and other activities, CAP hosts the annual National Congress for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE), which is a "must attend" event for all those seriously involved in aviation and space education. Consider CAP to be an essential resource for aviation and space education.
National Aeronautics & Space Administration A wide range of educational information and programs is discussed at NASA's site. The link above takes you to NASA's main page. Or go directly to the main Education Programs Page or to their NASA SpaceLink Program. State Aviation & Airport Departments with Education Offices Aviation offices and officers at the State level are often an excellent source of both contacts and resources when planning aviation education programs and events. Aviation Education Resource Centers (AERC) AERC LIST: FAA Aviation Education Resource Centers (AERCs) were originally established at colleges, universities, museums, and foundations to provide a focal point for resources including aviation education programs, publications, software and video tapes. Designed for students, teachers and researchers, the materials in the AERCs enhance aviation education and information programs. These centers are no longer directly supported by FAA, but many still serve as resources for aviation education. Aviation Programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HCBU) HCBU LIST: This list is another list of Aviation Programs, located at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, which can provide additional resources and useful information regarding minority oriented programs. The Aerospace Education Alliance AEA is a nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to providing a National Student Organization for Aerospace Education and promoting a strong positive image of flight and space technology. The group focuses on development of curricula and extracurricular activities for students in the school system, and is supported by a number of national award winning teachers. State Aviation and Space Education Councils The state councils provide a forum for collaboration at the state and local level. New state councils are being formed each year. Our constituency and reason for being lies with the state councils, and you will find a list with links on the next main page of this site. This NASEA site has received support from the Wolf Aviation Fund. The Fund is developing information and resources to help ALL individuals and organizations that are working to promote General Aviation and to improve the public understanding of this vital national resource. Visit that site to find out about organizational development, fund raising, communications, nonprofit administration, and more. Note: Wolf Aviation Fund GRANTS are often available for qualifying proposals! See the site for details.