Bulletin 9904



Proceedings of Second Annual Organizational Meeting
Thursday April 8, 1999       5:00 PM - 6:30 PM
at the National Congress for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE)
Orlando, Florida


Orlando, Florida

April 8, 1999

(draft only - corrections will follow after next board meeting)

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rol Murrow and President Joseph Murtari.

Joe welcomed all attendees (members and guests) and asked for introductions and reports of activities from the varies State Council representatives. He explained that the initial discussions would be informal, to be followed by the formal annual meetings for the membership and the board of directors intended to conduct the business of the corporation.


*Jerry Iacoma (NJ) reported that New Jersey had formed a partnership with NASA to offer aviation workshops for teachers.

*Fred Capello (NJ) described a 3 day training for teachers, which he felt could serve as a model.

*Linda Russell (CT) spoke briefly about the issue of aviation certification for teachers.

*Mike Walko (NJ) suggested holding regional conferences similar to what is done by NCASE.

*Joe Murtari (CT) mentioned that New England holds a regional meeting under NASEA so that people from various states can get together to share and not have to "re-invent the wheel."

*Lloyd Armstead (VA) suggested creating a data base of potential supporters to foster relationships and better sell the idea of ACE camps and events like the one held at Massport.

*Steve Bachmeir (FL) described a 4 year aerospace technology program for which the State gives credit to high school students. He is also developing the Aerospace Education Alliance, which is similar to the Boy Scouts. Information is available on the website:   http://www.aeawings.org .

*Gordon Hoff (MN) has developed a 3 day ACE camp for counselors, thereby generating interest in aviation careers. He has also created Transportation Workhops for elementary, junior high and high school students.

*Joe Murtari announced that the DOD can now offer flights to ACE camp groups. The regulation number is DOD Reg. 4515.13, "Air Transportation Eligibility", Chapter 4. Joe will put more information on the NASEA website.

*John Dorland and Peter Trupp (CT) are building a Kit Fox with high school students. They have a grant from Sikorsky.

*Chuckie Hospers described the many aviation camps, workshops and activities associated with the Vintage Flying Museum at Meachem, TX. She announced that a group of young people from Curacao who are interested in aviation would visit the museum this summer. The group discussed how aviation activities could be connected to museums.

* Rol Murrow reminded the group that grants from the Wolf Aviation Fund are available for great new ideas in aviation. The website is :  http://www.wolf_aviation.org


The annual membership meeting was officially called to order by Chairman Rol Murrow and President Joseph Murtari.

Rol Murrow read the minutes of the last membership meeting. These minutes had been sent out by email to the Officers and the Directors. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read. All agreed and the motion was accepted.

Linda Russell gave the Treasurer's report The NASEA account has a balance of $200.

A motion was carried to accept the Treasurer's report.

Joe Murtari read the Nominating Committee's Report, which had been previously circulated to all Directors. The committee recommended that the current Officers remain in place for another year. In addition, they recommended that the current Directors who were up for election now accept their positions for the next three year term. The Officers and Directors agreed. A motion was carried to retain the three Directors who are up for re-election for another three year term.

New Business

Lloyd Armstead brought up the idea of regional councils as an alternative to State Councils. Joe suggested that any State can function as is practical - either holding Statewide or Regional meetings, but that all States should have Statewide representation in NASEA.

A motion to adjourn was made and passed.


The regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order by Chairman Rol Murrow and President Joseph Murtari.

Rol Murrow described his role as a transitory one in which he would help get this NASEA network of relationships going as a facilitator, but that the real responsibility for shaping the future of NASEA should lie with those more directly involved in aviation and space education. Joe Murtari explained that as President he wanted Rol to remain as Chair for another year during this time of transition and growth. Rol agreed to serve if asked.

A discussion ensued regarding the issue of government funding for aviation education. Because of the politics involved, the funding comes and goes "like the wind" and everything can change with each election, both at the federal and state level. Some states have strong state aviation agencies with great educational programs, but others are very weak, too often with nonexistent support for education. The group agreed that there is a strong need for State Councils to help maintain the impetus of aviation education programs.

Copies of the NASEA home webpage were distributed and Joe invited representatives from Texas to become part of NASEA. Debra Myers suggested that the work of NASEA was impressive and asked for hard copies of the webpage booklets. Debra also posed the question of whether any State Councils had paid positions. No one thought there were any paid positions at present, with the possible exception of Pennsylvania.

Jerry Iacoma asked for a space on the NASEA website for NJ aviation events and Joe Murtari offered a subwebsite to any state council that wanted one.

On behalf of the Secretary, Rol Murrow then gave the Secretary's Report, which had been circulated by email. He asked for any amendments to the minutes of the June 19th, December 11th or March 8th board meetings There being no changes, a motion was carried to approve the Secretary's Report and the Minutes so presented.

It was noted the the Treasurer's Report had already been approved at the Membership meeting.

Old Business:

Rol asked Mary Ann Turney for a report on the newsletter. She indicated that Maryann Poindexter, as the Editor, would develop the content for the newsletter. Mary Ann said that she had written an article introducing several Officers and Directors and would write a second article for the next edition of the newsletter. Rol suggested an article on the Orlando meeting for the newsletter and Mary Ann agreed to help write one.

Mike Walko had previously suggested including photos in the article introducing the Officers and Directors. Lloyd offered to take photos with a digital camera and provide them for the newsletter. Several members of the group agree to meet for photos.

Rol mentioned that the Nominating Committee Report had been approved. A motion was carried to elect the current Officers for another year term.


Rol announced that David Price had agreed to serve as NASEA's Agent of Service in New Hampshire, taking over from Phillip Duncan who kindly acted as our initial agent.

A motion to adjourn was carried.

Respectfully submitted,


Mary Ann Turney

Vice President

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Contact information: mail@nasea.org

Page as of 02/28/2009